Lanre is a respected leader and global patient advocate for the Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and other hereditary blood disorders community, with decades of experience in patient engagement, organizational governance, and program development.
Her efforts to build bridges across organizations dedicated to SCD and other inherited blood disorders are increasingly worldwide in scope, most notably through her capacity as a co-founder of the Global Alliance of Sickle Cell Disease Organizations (GASCDO), past chair of the Network of Rare Blood Disorder Organizations (NRBDO) in Canada and more recently, the Global Action Network for Sickle Cell & Other Inherited Blood Disorders (GANSID).
Lanre was also instrumental in the establishment of the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario, the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Canada, the Ontario Hemoglobinopathy Patient Association (OHPA), and the Racialized Health Initiative Working Group (RHIWP) in Canada.