Message from the co-chairs of the GANSID Congress 2023 Working Group
We invite you to join the Global Action Network for Sickle Cell & Other Inherited Blood Disorders (GANSID) and the Global Inherited Blood Disorders community for the inaugural GANSID Congress 2023- a comprehensive program for people with inherited blood disorders and their caregivers, patient organizations, patient advocate leaders, health care providers, health organizations, health system leaders, governments and policymakers, researchers, professional and academic societies, and industry partners that serve people impacted by sickle cell disease (SCD) and other inherited blood disorders from across the globe.
The historic Congress will enable participants to co-identify global gaps and resolution strategies for inherited blood disorders, participate in workshops that shape regional and national advocacy initiatives, learn about “Global Access to Gene Therapy & Other New Therapeutic Approaches”, “Expanding Global Data Collection & Clinical Research: Addressing Gaps Through Collaborative Initiatives” and more innovative topics that will improve interactions within the global inherited blood disorders community.
The Congress will be delivered via a virtual format, featuring two days of presentations from world-renowned speakers and the theme is “There is Power in the Collective”. If you serve people affected by hereditary blood disorders, this two-day educational and networking event is a must-attend for you. We encourage you to mark your calendar and join us on October 20-21st, 2023.
Thank you,

Lanre Tunji-Ajayi, M.S.M
Co-chair, GANSID Congress 2023

Adekunle Adekile, MD, PhD
Scientific Working Group, GANSID
Co-chair, GANSID Congress 2023